by Francois Preece | Sep 16, 2020 | Uncategorized
My top two supplements for fat loss and building muscle are fish oil and magnesium. A note of caution. Please don’t go out and buy these at the store. Firstly, you won’t know how to find your personal dosage, you could just waste your money on supplements that don’ Francois Preece | Sep 9, 2020 | Uncategorized
It’s important to understand that not all supplements are created equal. There are 2 types of supplement companies. The first is the kind that you can find at your local pharmacy, Costco, or supplement store. The goal of these companies is to compete for shelf Francois Preece | Aug 27, 2020 | Uncategorized
Want to know how to burn off your belly fat? Time and time again I’ve found that eliminating gluten to have a 100% success rate. So much so that if a client has excess fat around the belly button I will ask for proof that my client isn’t sensitive or intolerant Francois Preece | Aug 19, 2020 | Uncategorized
In regards to fat-loss; most clients initially need to learn to manage insulin. We measure this with body fat around the love handles and / or upper back fat via the BioSignature method. The love handle site measures short term carb consumption, and the upper back Francois Preece | Aug 5, 2020 | Uncategorized
Sleep is by far one of the most underestimated factors in improving health, body composition (whether it be fat loss or muscle gains), sports performance and cognitive functions. Check out my sleep video: Did you know that it is during your sleep that your body...